Honors and/or Advanced Placement courses may be available for students in high school (9-12).  The grade point system for these courses, based upon the above letter grading system, is as follows:

A-, A, A+  B-, B, B+  C-, C, C+ D-, D, D+  F
90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% below 60%
5 points 4 points 2 points 1 points 0 points

The additional point for grades of ‘A’ or ‘B’ are figured into the student’s GPA.

Advanced Placement courses serve as preparation for Advanced Placement tests, which, if passed, may constitute a certain amount of college credit.  More information may be requested from the School Office.

7.    Academic Honors

A.    Honor Roll – at least a 3.0 GPA with no grades below “C”.

B.    Principal’s List  – at least a 3.5 GPA with no grades below a “B”.

C.    Graduating Honors

1.    Valedictorian – the graduating student who has maintained the highest grade point average for the years spent in each school – elementary (K-5), middle (6-8), and high (9-12) – will be assigned the honor of ‘Valedictorian.’  GPA will be calculated based upon courses that are part of the regular curriculum.  Courses taken outside of regular high school (including on-line courses and college courses) are not included in the calculating process unless such a course was taken due to a scheduling conflict of required classes on the part of BCHS.  In such a case, the outside course will be given the same ‘weight’ as the BCHS equivalent.  In the event of a tie, the class ranking and/or the percentage points earned for each course for each year will be used to determine the Valedictorian.

2.    Salutatorian – the graduating student who has maintained the second-highest grade point average for the years spent in each school – elementary (K-5), middle (6-8), and high (9-12) – will be assigned the honor of ‘Salutatorian.’  GPA will be calculated based upon courses that are part of the regular curriculum.  Courses taken outside of regular high school (including on-line courses and college courses) are not included in the calculating process unless such a course was taken due to a scheduling conflict of required classes on the part of BCHS.  In such a case, the outside course will be given the same ‘weight’ as the BCHS equivalent.  In the event of a tie, the class ranking and/or the percentage points earned for each course for each year will be used to determine the Salutatorian.

3.    Highest Honors – students who perform at an average of 4.0 or above during their graduating year of school will be assigned ‘highest honors.’

4.    High Honors – students who perform at an average of 3.5 or above during their graduating year of school will be assigned ‘high honors.’

5.    Honors – students who perform at an average of 3.0 or above during their graduating year of school will be assigned ‘honors.’

8.    College Concurrent Enrollment/Additional Courses

In the event that certain courses required for graduation or UC placement are not offered at BCHS or are offered at conflicting times, concurrent enrollment with programs on-line or through colleges or additional courses may be used for high school credit.  Scores will be attributed to the student’s GPA at the ‘weight’ of the BCHS equivalent when factoring academic honors.  Concurrent or additional elective courses may receive high school credit but scores will not be attributed to the student’s GPA when factoring academic honors.

9.    Resource/Remedial Center

A remedial program may be available for students with a need for additional instruction and tutoring. Check with the school office for availability.

10.    Rescheduling Policy

Rescheduling of assigned courses may be requested by the parent or initiated by the guidance counselor to take place within the first three weeks of the school year or at the quarter/semester, depending on the circumstances.  The student may not change classes until the administrative paperwork is finalized, and must stay current with all assignments until the change is complete. The grades from each class will be averaged together for that grading period.