BCS Tech Notes


All textbooks are in a PDF format and provided to the student on his or her device. This allows access to books with or without the internet. If a book “disappears by itself”, all teachers are capable of quickly issuing a replacement copy. Students equipped with a Chromebook will also notice that their books are on their personal cloud storage known as “Google Drive.” This means that any books assigned to students can be quickly recovered from their Google Drive. We ask that no additional copies of these files be made, as they are for use only on the student’s assigned device.




The Surface tablet requires the user to have an Outlook E-Mail Account (e.g. Jsmith.bcs@outlook.com) to use the software on the device. We have therefore created each student a specified E-mail and password. This account is used only on the Surface tablets and is the primary form of non-classroom student-teacher communication.


Chromebooks require a Google account to use the device. (e.g. jsmith.bcs@bethelchristianschools.com). However, these accounts, though hosted by Google, are completely managed by the I.T. Administrator at Bethel Christian Schools. This means every student with a Chromebook is provided with a specified E-Mail and Password. This account is used only on the Surface tablets and is the primary form of non-classroom student-teacher communication.



On Campus, we block “undesirable” websites on the networks available to the students. Furthermore, all tablets and Chromebooks are equipped content filtering. This essentially filters out anything that is inappropriate for ages 13 and under. However, no content filtering is perfect and will sometimes not only block things that we want, but will allow things we do not want. If you have any questions, concerns, or desire a stricter approach to your student’s access, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your requests.



There have been requests for administrator access to the Surfaces and Chromebooks. These requests have been denied for multiple reasons.

Just to name a few:

1.       All devices are property of Bethel Christian Schools.

2.       All devices are perfectly functional without Admin Access

3.       Allowing Admin access to parents would allow inappropriate utilization of these devices.

4.       Allowing Admin access to parents can cause problems with the device.

5.       Allowing Admin access to parent could allow access to other student’s information.

All admin access requests will be denied, there are no exceptions. This protects the functionality of our devices, and protects the privacy of other parents and students. If you have any special request that require admin access, contact the I.T. Department.


Remember if you have any questions, concerns, comments or complaints do not hesitate to contact the I.T. department by emailing IT@bethelchristianschools.com, through the helpdesk HERE, or by calling 951-359-1123.



Jarrod Maas

I.T. Administrator