Good afternoon BCS families,
We are just about ready to welcome back our K-5 students tomorrow. I wanted to give you a quick reminder
- Login to your FACTS ParentWebaccount and complete two forms under Web Forms. These forms can be found under the “School” drop down menu on the left of the screen when you login to ParentWeb. The two forms are…
- Enrollment Screening Verification Form. This form is completed ONCE per child.
- COVID Response Form – Family. This form NEEDS to be completed every SUNDAY.
- School starts at 8:30am. Students can be dropped off as early as 8:00am.
- School ends at 3:00pm. Students must be picked up by 3:15pm.
- Make sure your child brings their mask (optional for grades K-2) and a lunch. Remember, the cafeteria is closed, and we will not be able to heat lunches.
- Parents will not be allowed to go past the check-in booth unless they need to go to the school office. Staff will assist students to their classroom.
- Allow extra time to drop off and pick up of your child. We anticipate a busy morning and afternoon.
- Our Distance Learning Program will continue as normal as possible over the next few school days. Your child’s teacher will provide updates on any changes to the academic schedule.
Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation. I am excited, beyond belief, to greet our students tomorrow.
Have a blessed evening.
Mr. Pangkee